There is an interesting free app free on iTunes called Days. Days is described as a visual diary that lets you capture and share a whole day of photos at once. (I once saw a Days photo post by @jonk on Twitter and knew I had to try it sometime).
This is how Mashable described Days:
One morning you might wake up, roll over, grab your phone and flip through the pictures from last night, from yesterday. “Was it really that great of a time?” you ask, and you’ve got a stream of photos to help you answer, the ones you want to delete from memory and the ones you’ll frame on the wall, or at least post to Facebook.
An iOS app released Friday called Days, built by TechStars company Wander, aims to replace your phone’s camera roll, with a twist . . . . The photos you share will be grouped into a 24-hour set . . .”
So, on Tuesday, July 2, 2013, I used Days app on my iPhone to photographically document that Tuesday in New Orleans which I’d like to now share with you! (If there is a way to directly embed the journal to the blog, I don’t know how).
Please click on this link:
July 2, 2013 in New Orleans per Days App
So, what did you think?
Feel free to email me at or contact on me Twitter @katruns26point2.
That is pretty cool!