For those of you who already know and read (thank you!) this blog, you’ll know its an odd conglomeration of points, miles, travel issues with an emphasis on fitness and running, especially marathons.
I truly believe whole is greater than the sum of its parts – in other words, this blog can grow and become (even) better with your contributions. Therefore I am asking if you would like to guest blog on Will Run For Miles.
I’d like to make Sundays Marathon Sunday here on Will Run For Miles, where we can share your Marathon/Trip Reports or any interesting story about running and travel online. There are no specific guidelines, other than the posts be interesting and from a variety of locations (extra points for destination marathons) and that they not be too long. How long is too long? I don’t know – It’s kind of how the US Supreme Court defined pornography – we don’t know how to define it, but we know it when we see it.
If you have a blog, I am happy to essentially reprint your favorite marathon report here, and provide a link to your blog. This cross-pollination can bring more traffic to your website. If you don’t have a blog, but like writing marathon/trip reports (or want to take a stab at writing), this is your chance. I will not over-edit but the editorial decisions are mine. Having said that, you own all of your content, and, if for any reason you’d want your post removed, I will do so.
Ideas? Questions? Feel free to write any ideas or questions you have in the comment section below, or write to Please also like the Facebook Page for Will Run For Miles.
Here is my most recent post from my blog, Keeping Pace on the Marine Corps Marathon: