Last Week I announced that I had two 10-use Gogo Inflight Wi-fi passes to give away. Per that promotion, one winner is being announced today, and the contest will then continue through tomorrow night, when a second winner will be chosen.
The winner of the first Gogo pass is Diego, who posted this comment: Flying ORD-ATL on DAL next week. Awesome giveaway!
The contest continues for another day and a half, with the winner of the second Gogo pass being chosen on Wednesday at 8 pm EST.
So, if you will be flying before the end of the year, enter this contest.
Simply: (a) leave a comment below stating when and where you’ll be flying, and on which participating airline you’ll be flying, and (b) tweet it out, including this blog giveaway with a link to this page as well as a reference to the twitter account @Katruns26point2.
Flying DFW-DCA this weekend with my 5 year-old, as well as DFH-LHR over Christmas. Inflight entertainment via WiFi would be wonderfully helpful. Thanks for the offer! @thejasondimaio
Flying Rsw to dtw for Christmas at home. Thanks for the opportunity.
Flying JFK-LAX and then LAX-DFW-MIA-SJU and back on AA next week. Thanks for the giveaway.