If you belong to AARP, there’s a good chance you have a bunch of points sitting in your account that you don’t know what to do with. AARP has DAILY DEALS most of which don’t usually interest me, but today’s DAILY DEAL is a good one.
It’s an e-card, and the price is 500 points plus $5. That works for me.
It says that there’s 7 hours remaining for the deal, but I don’t know if the offer can run out sooner. Also, the limit is one card per member.
As a data point, I placed the order at 7:45 a.m., and the egift card was in my email at 7:46 a.m.
Bizarre – you are basically redeeming AARP points at 1cpp, so this card is $5 + 500 AARP points. Lots of other cards also, 4500points + $5 gets you $50 Hotels.com card. Standard redemption seems to be 1cpp
I never even knew I had AARP points, or even such a thing existed
Thank you Tom. While you are right, I think that getting a $10 card at 50% off (plus 500 points) is a lot better deal than getting a $50 card at 10% off (plus 500 points), especially because I find those points to be rather pointless.
Look again – the hotels.com card is 90% off with 4500 miles – redemption rate is the same @1cpp
I found the “deal” you are talking about. It is not HOTELS.COM – it is MYHOTELGIFTCARD.COM – which is not a card I would recommend. In fact, you can buy the same $50 gift card on Ebay for $4.29.
Thanks for the heads-up. Staples here I come.