Every now and then, we come across a brand we love. This is how I feel about Insiders 1.
This is a company based in Brooklyn, New York that designs and sells a wonderful selection of hand- made leather items such as totebags, messenger bags, handbags and wallets. The designs on the products feature scenes of various cities, such as New York, Rome, Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris and Barcelona (no London?). The items are not inexpensive, but they are extremely well made, and what I would consider special. Simply stated, I think that they are fabulous!
I first was introduced to the brand about 3 years ago – when they had a booth at the Christmas Market at Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan. I was with my boyfriend and I ooohed and aahhhed at the bags and accessories. A few days later, I received a pair of these gloves as a holiday gift (note: the gloves are not presently in stock).
Insiders 1 is currently running a 15% off sale – from now through July 22, 2012, so if you like the products as much as I do, its a good time to make a purchase from them.
Please know that Will Run For Miles is not receiving any compensation from Insiders 1 for this post – Will Run For Miles just wanted to share her like for Insiders 1’s products with the readers of the blog.
Great blog; happy I found you!