Beginning in 2013, the NYC Marathon encouraged runners not to check baggage, by offering marathon finishers the following choice:
- Check a bag on race day that is transported to the finish area OR
- Forgo baggage check and receive a Marathon Finish Poncho upon exiting Central Park.
In 2013, the poncho option became somewhat of a joke, a ponchogate, if you will. Bright orange ponchos were distributed to the finishers and, to the surprise of many, the program seemed to work well. This year, there was a comparable option. Since I rarely check baggage anyway, I opted for the no-baggage/poncho option. After finishing the marathon, I had to walk quite a bit to get to my poncho, but I did receive it. It was a lovely smurf blue and surprisingly well made and warm (it is fleece-lined). It came in handy for the quick walk home (or the walk to the bar, in my case), but when would I wear this again? And, where would I store it, as I live in New York City?
I happened to look on Ebay the following week, and saw everything being sold. Medals, shirts, silly Dunkin Donut hats, and, yes, ponchos. I have my shirt, my bib and my medal, but I really have no use or sentimental feeling for the poncho.
So, today, I listed the poncho on Ebay. I set the start price as $26.99 and the “buy it now” price as $59. Never in a million years did I think someone would just buy it for $59. Only a few hours later, I heard a ca-ching sound on my iPhone. Sure enough, someone bought the poncho, and paid for it, lock stock and barrel. I was exhilarated, thinking that I’d defrayed some of the exorbitant $250 marathon entry fee and uncluttered my apartment at the same time. And then I looked at Ebay again. And there it was – the bidding war on a different NYC Marathon poncho was now up to over $80! Is that insane, or what?
$250 entrance fee?! Yikes!!
You just made my day – Going to put up my Orange one from last year and my Blue one from this year- They’re only “Slightly used” worn for an hour or so anyway…Thanks for the tip! This years race was BRUTAL! Hope next years weather is better..
Happy to help Jeremy! If you only wore it one hour, I’d classify it as New, then explain the one hour use in the details section.