It seems that all of the cool people have had one or more credit cards hacked in recent weeks. Unfortunately, This is one club I’d rather not be in, but unfortunately I am.
I’ve had 2 cards recently compromised and replaced. My Chase Freedom card had a charge from OK Cupid, which is kind of funny, but it’s not. Also, Barclays informed me that my Arrival Plus MasterCard may have been used at a store that had a security breach, but refused to explain who, what, when, where or how.
When I tweeted about it, so many people responded with similar experiences. Caroline (@PointPrincess), Jeff (@IndulgeTheWanderlust) and Phil (@MilesAbound), among others, reported fraudulent charges on their credit cards. They too recently had one, two or even three cards hacked. And some of those cards were sitting in the back of their proverbial sock drawers.
Interestingly, the banks deny that there has been a known cyberattack on their systems or on their vendors systems, or they are ambiguous in their disclosure. Are we not entitled to such disclosure?
Caroline, of Point Princess, and I agree that it’s time to explore this topic further. We want to gather information. We want some answers. To that end, we have each published posts requesting information – we hope that the responses will lead to a better understanding of the current situation (see, her post: Another Chase Data Hack?)
If you’ve recently had an account hacked or encountered comparable security issues, or have any other relevant information or theories on the topic, please leave a comment below. Thanks.
Within the last week, two of my Chase cards have been hacked – one which I had been using and the other that had been sitting in the drawer. Earlier this year, someone tried to use a duplicate of my AMEX card, and I also had a problem with a Citi card. That’s four problems this year so far, when in the past i’ve had almost no problems while in possession of the same number of cards. Something is definitely going on, IMHO.
My BA Chase Visa had a strange charge on it the other day and I called them and told them I didn’t make the purchase and they sent me a new card, the card has been sitting 6 months in my drawer and I haven’t used it since… it is indeed strange.
I had an unauthorized charge from a Chilean cellular company last week on my Citi card.