A week ago, I set out the story of the trials and tribulations of my credit card application with Wells Fargo. Most fascinating to me was the fact that I was not alone – so many others had experienced comparable fiascos.
Well, I am happy to report that a few days later, I did receive the Visa credit card. I called and activated it. (I still hope it is the right card!)
Yesterday, January 14, 2014, I received mail from Wells Fargo, dated December 21, 2013! This letter stated in relevant part:
re: unable to approve your credit card application
Dear Will Run For Miles
Thank you for your interest in a Wells Fargo credit card account. Your request for a credit card was carefully considered and unfortunately we are unable to approve your application at this time for the following reason(s):
Limited credit experience with your existing Wells Fargo Credit card account
What the F, WF? What existing credit card account? Perhaps WF was referring to the credit card WF erroneously opened for me? I’m guessing that I should just ignore this rejection letter as outdated, superceded and moot. Do I dare call WF and ask what they were talking about? Could you imagine?
There has to be a joke here somewhere.
Email: WillRunForMiles@gmail.com
Twitter: @katruns26point2
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The suspense is killing me!! π