I am giving away 5 Gogo inflight internet passes. There will be 5 winners – each winner will win one pass.
To enter, simply:
1. Leave a comment below answering this question: What is your favorite thing to do at 10,000 feet?
2. If you have Twitter, tweet ” Will Run For Miles is giving away 5 @Gogo passes at http://willrunformiles.boardingarea.com @katruns26point2”
Alternatively, or in addition
3. Follow Will Run For Miles on Facebook, and share this post on Facebook.
You are welcome to comment, tweet, share once daily. Contest ends Thursday, April 23rd at 8pm EST. Winners, chosen at random, will be announced shortly thereafter.
Read and listen to podcasts
Listen to music.
use my computer to read up on the journey ahead
Cloud watching
I like to quietly read magazines and occasionally look out the window.
I like to catch up on TV shows on my iPad and relax.
Watch movies.
listen to music or watch videos
Recline and watch a movie with my former fiance and now lovely wife on our first trips as a married couple.
study ! 🙂
Look out the window
Think about being back on the ground
Love to surf the web and look for travel dallas assuming I am connected
read all about the place I am going on vacation
It’s “time away” to read a good book or watch a movie!
I pass time doing sudoku but being ecofriendly and all I load these from the net so a go-go pass would come very handy! Flying from Atlanta to Los Angeles in a weeks’ time so timing could not be better 🙂
Enjoy catching up on reading as I don’t seem to set time at home to do that
Read up on things to do and best attractions at my destination!
If it’s a night flight, sleep. If it’s a day flight, read a novel that I don’t want to put down or listen to books on tape. I’m such a nerd 😉 !
listen to music, relax, and dream of my next travels ! 😮
Being a full-time student, I try and get my books in eBook format on my iPad to read and study. I also download my emails and draft responses that send when I’m back on the ground. I actually look forward to being disconnected sometimes because I can get some offline work done with no distractions, but DO love the ability to surf at 10,000 feet. Thanks for doing this!
Listen to 80’s hair metal
ha ha!
Listen to music and look outside the window
I either sleep or watch a movie to pass the time
I tweeted https://twitter.com/PeggyJohnson7/status/590201118099136512
I follow on Facebook
I shared this post on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/peggy.johnson.7927/posts/1582907625313961
Lay back and enjoy the climb in the sky
get caught up on emails.
My favorite thing to do at 10,000 feet up in the air is to check out all of the views down below. If I don’t have a window seat, then I just read or sleep.
Favorite thing to do? Read a whole book through.
What do I actually do? Keep telling my kids to be quiet or stop kicking the seat.
Ask for a drink, usually Woodford Reserve on Delta.
Listen to ANYTHING over noise cancelling headphones
Advantages of insomnia – one more entry here:
Sleep, read or listen to a book on tape.
Take a short nap and then watch a movie.
Sit back and binge watch tv!
it’s boring, but I sleep. That way, unlike my passenger-mates, I’m refreshed and ready to take on the world, upon landing!
I sleep. 🙂
At 10,000 feet I hope to be well into a book or sleeping my flight away. SkyMall is one of the most humorous magazines out there!
Sorry Steven, this contest ended last night. You still have time to enter the Zox or Amenity Kit giveaways.