I blog about travel. I blog about fitness. I blog about running. I blog about NYC. And I blog about events I attend. I enjoy writing and sharing, and most of the time, I just enjoy blogging and seeing where it takes me. I learn a lot, go interesting places, meet interesting people. Although I don’t make money at this, blogging has brought value to my life in many ways. Life is good.
Occasionally, I receive emails from Birchbox directed at bloggers: Birchbloggers. Often, it will be an invite to try a product or attend an event – obviously to introduce the bloggers to new products or experiences that they will hopefully write favorably about. (I must admit: I love shit like this!!) I received such an invite a few weeks ago to visit a hair salon in Soho called Miss Jessie’s with other bloggers, and to watch hair demonstrations by the brand’s co-founder Miko Branch. Miss Jessie’s is an upscale salon, specializing in curly hair, with a full line of products, carried by stores such as Ricky’s, Target and, now, Birchbox. It sounded interesting so I decided to attend. (Plus, I love goody bags…)..
There were about 30 bloggers in attendance, and Miko introduced herself and her products and did hair makeovers on three women. One with extremely tight curly hair, another with what Miko called transitional hair (hair that was growing out after being chemically straightened) and a third, with looser curls, which Miko called multi-cultural hair. As she did her magic, Miko talked about each product and the care for each type of hair. She was quite entertaining, but also professional, knowledgeable and instructive. We left with a bag of three tubes of product. Here are some photos of the evening:
[…] I blog about travel. I blog about fitness. I blog about running. I blog about NYC. And I blog about events I attend. I enjoy writing and sharing, and, …read more […]