I don’t have access to a computer today, but as I sit here watching the Olympic Women’s Marathon, I wanted to bring your attention to an interesting article in the Travel Section of The New York Times which focuses on the fitness offerings not only by hotels, but now, by airports as well.
I always muse to myself that they should hold 10ks or even marathons on airport walkways- but then I stop such thoughts and tell myself that I’m crazy! Have you ever thought such thoughts? Please confess…. er, I mean share!
Here’s a youtube of my favorite airport walkway – its at DTW – and its called the Light Tunnel:
Turning to the article below, do you think the airport offerings are good? Effective? What more can or should be done? Here’s the link: Easing the Pain of Workouts on the Road
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I think about that every time I’m in DTW since the main terminal is exactly a mile long.
Oh, I love that walkway. the “light tunnel”! I just found a youtube of it – I’m going to post it. Well, I’m going to try to post it!
I do, but what’s up with the video being blocked in my country?
I don’t know, but if you go to youtube and search DTW and Light Tunnel, you should find another one. or maybe there’s some non-youtube video that you can view. It really is amazing – definitely worth the search! Thanks for commenting.