This morning, I was doing one of the things I often do: searching for flights on Kayak. And then I looked to the top toolbar of the page, HOTELS… FLIGHTS …. CARS… BATHROOMS. BATHROOMS? Where did that come from? Of course I clicked on the page. It says:
Compare hundreds of bathrooms at once.
Find a place to go. Right now.
Next, in the Search feature, you choose between On Demand, Extended Stay and Recurring, and then fill in date, location and time and then click on Find Bathrooms.
What comes up (heh, heh) is a list of go-to (or is it go-at?) bathrooms, including ratings of the facilities. The ratings are called stool ratings which look like little toilets (oh, I can’t decide whether to laugh or puke!) – 1 toilet being the worst and 5 being the best.
See also the Cleanliness bar above ranging from Impeccable to Disgusting. There is also an Amenity listing:
On the top right of the page you can sort results by stools low to high or stools high to low. Here is a sample of some places to go:
Then, if you click on any of the reviews you get a surprise video! I’ll give you a hint, it involves a toilet and a plunger…. duh….!
Oh I can’t handle this. Before I go all over myself, please tell me it’s a joke!
Speaking of poop, I was walking in upper Manhattan on Sunday near the beautiful St. John the Divine Church and saw these signs:
Happy April Fools day!
Welcome TBB to First2 Board and Happy Birthday to Won’t Run, who, in celebration, won’t be running today.
I’m surprised the Stool Ratings have a toilet as the icon. It should really be… well… a stool. An icon or depiction of it at least! 😉