Priority Club Rewards, the loyalty website for IHG hotels, including Holiday Inn, Crowne Plaza, Indigo and Intercontinental typically offers a slew of promo codes. The key is to sign up for all of them, as some of them actually overlap.
The promo codes for 2013 are starting to pour in (thanks to this flyertalk thread). I’m sure there will be more, but this is a good start!
Unless otherwise noted, all run from January 7, 2013 to April 30, 2013.
You must register for each promotion (it is possible that some of them are targeted):
Here’s the link – just enter your Priority Club Rewards number, your password and the promo code. Rinse and repeat for each.
1. Stay 15 nights and Get 20,000 bonus points. Earn an additional 5,000 bonus points for every 5 more nights you stay!
Offer Code: 3416
2. Earn up to 5,000 bonus points. Stay 3 nights and Get 2,500 bonus points. Plus:
Stay 3 more nights and Get 2,500 more points!
Promotion Code 5528
3. Earn up to 5,000 bonus points. Stay 2 nights and Get 2,500 bonus points. Plus:
Stay 2 more nights and Get 2,500 more points!
Promotion Code 5521
Code 3415
Code: 3414
I got 3416 to work, but the other codes state they are invalid. 🙁
you can only chose one. if you enter 3416 then you are locked into that promotion and are therefore ineligible for the others. i picked 5521. it seemed like the best for my situation.
I think that some are timing, some are targeted and some are mutually exclusive. I had the same, except 5521 worked for me, and others didn’t. Best I can suggest is to try again periodically. thanks so much for writing.