As many of you know, Will Run For Miles and Won’t Run For Miles went to Argentina last week.
Won’t Run For Miles is a musician and recently released a solo CD. Though his musical (and other) talents span broad spectrums, his background is primarily in the Rock and Punk genres. This figures once you know he is from Forest Hills, New York, home of the Ramones. In fact, he grew up with Joey Ramone and his family, and played in bands that opened for the Ramones.
Won’t Run For Miles was up on his music culture, and informed me that the Argentinian music scene was having a love affair with all things Ramones. Boy was he right. He inquired around, and next thing we knew he was invited into the studio at Vorterix Radio Station in Buenos Aires and interviewed by the DJs about himself and his new CD as well as his knowledge of the Ramones and growing up in Forest Hills.
I took an iPhone video of a few minutes of the interview. (Yes, I know I should keep my day job). But it is my very first YouTube and I’m so proud of you-know-who, so sit back and enjoy
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This is so awesome to see and hear legendary Forest Hills, New York punk rock bass player and long time friend of the Ramones, Dave U. Hall giving us an insiders view of being there when the Ramones formed their original band line up. Dave actually played bass with the Ramones in the mid 80’s on an unreleased demo called Elevator Operator with Richie Ramone drumming & singing. You may also find the song Elevator Operator on You Tube. Thank you to Kathy (willrunformiles) & Dave U. Hall for sharing! Rock ON! Peace, Zest