Bloggers are called many things and some are actually positive. One term I’ve sometimes heard used is influencers. We see, we report, and sometimes people listen. And perhaps sometimes our efforts are instrumental in bringing about improvements.
I recently wrote a blog post entitled, Airport Lounge Review: Passport Club at Savannah Hilton Head Airport. Among other things, I wrote that:
… this was the equivalent of the Seinfeld show about nothing. I had found the club about nothing. No alcohol, no food other than those little cookies. Never mind showers – this club didn’t even have a bathroom!
But, I have to give it credit. It didn’t pretend to be more than it is. The cookie/beverage server-front desk agent told me that this club is maintained by the Savannah Airport, admittedly a small airport, for the convenience of the passengers.
Well, Savannah was listening and responded! Two days ago, the Marketing Manager of Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport, Candace Carpenter, posted a comment, stating:
We wanted to let you know that we saw your post and we’re listening! We have fixed the signs, now offer a wider variety of snacks, we’re installing an accessible refrigerator in the lounge area, and while we cannot offer alcoholic beverages to guests ourselves, we can provide you with “To-Go Cups” at Dewars, which you can bring to the Passport Club. We are also relocating the snacks and beverages to the lounge area and no one will ever have to feel like they are in elementary school ever again! There are also private restrooms located in the Club directly across from the receptionist. We want to thank you for your feedback and hope that you will continue to make Savannah/Hilton Head International your airport of choice.
Taken together, each little improvement amounts to a large improvement overall. The Passport Club will no longer be the club about nothing, but the little club that can!
Way to go, Kathy. One small step for travelers… 🙂