As you may recall, about two weeks ago, I wrote about my flash run-in with a man in a certain state of undress in the sauna of a hotel. The post is located here. I was certain then, and am certain now, that his exposure was innocent, that he had no idea the facility was co-ed, that the Emperor’s New Clothes was simply the result of a mistaken impression that the sauna was for men only. As I saw it, the nude guy simply missed the small sign on the sauna door indicating the room was co-ed and was genuinely surprised by the almost conical comical twist of events.
Well, as is often the case, the story did not end there. Or should I say: “the plot thickens”?
A few days after my post, I received an email from the gentleman. After I picked myself up off the floor, I read it. The email confirmed to me his innocence and the fact that, underneath it all, he is a nice guy. Obviously, he bared his soul (or more), and, yet was able to see the humor in the event. Boy, did his email make me laugh.
I decided to share a few brief excerpts of the email:
“…. I was the guy who met you in an unfortunate circumstance in NJ”
“….. I searched… on google today and found your post … I was shocked that the title was about me“
“I wasn’t sure if you actually saw anything of consequence, but based on your blog I guess you saw everything”
“I would like to apologize for putting you in that position — I was certainly surprised but relieved you did not laugh or muffle laughter”
“You did not fake being impressed either! haha, just kidding”
How hilarious!!!! 🙂
Can’t wait for Part Trois!!! hehehe!