Sometimes when there are gaps in my writing it’s because I’m too busy (usually with work or travel or … YIKES, getting my taxes done). Other times, I don’t write because my thoughts are elsewhere or consumed upon topics such as parents getting older or the fate of Malaysian Flight 370. Sometimes I lapse in writing just because nothing seems that interesting at the moment.
With that in mind, I’m sure you’ll think it’s funny that I choose to write about … TOOTHPASTE, but I do.
You see, ever since I started going to Hyatt Hotels, I appreciated that there was always a fresh tube of Aquafresh Toothpaste there waiting for me. I didn’t have to ask. I didn’t have to rummage through my suitcase. No, it was there in the box just waiting for my toothbrush and me. And I didn’t have to collect those silly toothpastes that you squeeze from a packet. Just fundamental good old-fashioned toothpaste – nothing more, nothing less.
And then, suddenly, it was gone.
Well, today I read Gary Leff’s installment of View from the Wing – he recently attended a happy hour sponsored by Hyatt and was informed by our friends at Hyatt that, effective March 31, 2014, the toothpaste is coming back! Not just for Diamonds. Not just for Platinums. But for all Hyatt guests! Viva la toothpaste! Yes, equality for all when it comes to toothpaste! Hallelujah!
Oh, and, in case you’re interested, he also reported that Hyatt Diamond Challenges are here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future.
I know how you feel! I always like to see toothpaste in my room. When I went to Iran last year, I totally forgot to pack my toothbrush and toothpaste (thanks to an afternoon departure). My layover was in Istanbul and of course they did not have any. I knew it was not like I was going to find a Wal-mart in Iran. So, I was surprised when I got there and found that each room I stayed in had 2 toothbrushes and 2 mini-tubes of toothpaste! I collected them all. 🙂