Cute alert here! the Japanese National Tourism Organization has an adorable free Hello Kitty app, that I just downloaded from iTunes (you must download this before leaving for Japan).
The app contains a collection of region specific HELLO KITTYs with local themes or features in the costume or the background. There are more than 50 types! And, yes, each is cuter than the next!
Take pictures!! The app is equipped with camera functions. If you use this camera during your Japan trip, locally themed HELLO KITTYs appear on the screen. You can take a picture with the special location specific HELLO KITTY and keep it as a special memory! Wow, this is better than the Travelocity gnome!
Store data on Japan travel. The app records of all the places you visited while you were in Japan. It is stored in the app together with the photos taken.
Here is the iTunes Link and here is the website link.
This is the description of the app on the iTunes page:
“Visit Japan with HELLO KITTY” is an official Japan tourism guide App approved by the Japan Tourism Agency.
You will find “location special HELLO KITTY” appearing on the camera screen at various places around Japan and you can take a photo with the HELLO KITTY illustration and local featured theme.
Share the special memory photo taken with HELLO KITTY with your friends and tell them about all the great things you encounter in Japan!■Book
It’s a collection featuring very interesting locally themed HELLO KITTYs! With more than 50 types you’ll be ready to explore the country to find the Japan you didn’t know!■ARCamera
This iPhone App has camera functions. If you use this camera while in Japan, the location specific special HELLO KITTY will appear on the screen.
You can then take a picture with the special local HELLO KITTY and keep it as a special memory!■Collection
The record of all the places you visited while you were in Japan will be stored in the App along with the pictures you took. It will be a perfect way to store travel memories.
Travel around Japan and collect all of the different various HELLO KITTYs. If you collect a certain number of HELLO KITTY, you will get a special smartphone wall paper!
Maybe its geeky, but I can’t wait to travel around Japan and collect my Hello Kittys!
OMG LOVE IT! I am totally downloading this and using this when I’m in Japan next month.