Ever since 9/11, I was under the impression that snow globes were forbidden. Though I get it, yeah, it’s liquid… duh…., but that rule never seemed right to me. Seeing signs such as this at the airport security line always made me laugh but also cringe a bit – I mean, honestly, is this a legitimate issue?

photo: http://takingsenseaway.wordpress.com/2012/12/16/confession-in-memory-of-snow-globes-lost-and-all-the-idiotic-tsa-rules-i-refused-to-follow/
Today, a friend posted on Facebook about a TSA agent confiscating his corkscrew (something that happened to me, not in the USA, but in UAE), and, of course, the discussion shifted to Snow Globes, as it always does! I did a little research and found the traveler guidelines section on the TSA website listing prohibited items (a page that always fascinates me), and I learned that snow globes – well at least smaller snow globes – are now allowed, with the proviso, unless otherwise prohibited. In a footnote:
*Snow globes that appear to contain less than 3.4 ounces (approximately tennis ball size) will be permitted if the entire snow globe, including the base, is able to fit in the same one clear, plastic, quart-sized, re-sealable bag, as the passenger’s other liquids, such as shampoo, toothpaste and cosmetics.
So there we have it. It still sounds rather comical to me – if little Susie’s pretty little Disney snow globe appears to be under 3.4 ounces and can fit in a baggy, well then there’s a happy child on board. If, however, it appears to be over 3.4 ounces, well then, Little Susie is screwed. But, on the good side, we’ve defeated the terrorists again! I know one thing: I wouldn’t want to be on a flight next to this child after her beautiful princess globe is confiscated.
For a further discussion on snow globes and other similar articles on the TSA’s prohibited list, I recommend this article written by a former TSA agent, Confession #4 : In Memory of Snow Globes Lost (and of All the Idiotic TSA Rules I Refused to Follow)
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