GlobetrotterHQ held a contest recently to give away United Airlines Global Premier Upgrades (GPU) which expire at the end of this month. I entered the contest, as I’ll be traveling to Dubai shortly. I was one of the lucky winners! In the nicest announcement, GlobetrotterHQ stated:
The fourth winner that gets a United GPU was picked from all the Twitter comments. She has already made a name for herself in the points and miles community… Kathy from the first2board community with her page WillRunForMiles and she lives in my old stomping grounds, NYC. Congrats!
I was so excited, but then learned that a GPU cannot be used on flights booked in fare classes Z, P, S, T, K, L, G or N. My flight, booked during the Wideroe extravaganza, is a “K” and is not eligible for upgrade. Needless to say, I was bummed.
GlobetrotterHQ generously suggested that I “keep” the upgrade and do a giveaway right here, as I am now doing.
So, do you have a United flight before the end of this month, and can you use a GPU? If so, please leave a comment below, stating where and when you are traveling. Also tweet that you’d like to win the GPU from Will Run For Miles –, mentioning @katruns26point2 and @GlobetrotterHQ and using the hashtag #winGPU.
Winner will be randomly chosen and announced on Wednesday at 9 pm EST. Good luck to you. I’ll be sitting in coach.
And the winner, using, is…..
Kathleen! she wrote: I would LOVE an upgrade! I have 2 coast to coast trips this month!
Too bad my flight to LHR in economy is NEXT month… Would seem a shame to waste a GPU on a domestic mid-con flight to/from LGA, lol. Hope you find a good home for the GPU!
I feel the same way. You can imagine my excitement when I found out I won the upgrade. and my dissappointment…
Oh pooh, my January 31 ticket is a class G 🙁
Well, rats, my trip to Florida is an N. The last one listed, and so as I was reading more and more letters, I got more and more hopeful! Ah, only to crash…
Thanks, though, so generous of both you and UA.
I would LOVE an upgrade! I have 2 coast to coast trips this month!
I can use the upgrade later this month. Good luck to all entrants.
Did you consider upgrading to Economy Plus? I have a EWR-MXP flight and the E+ upgrade is $114. If I upgrade it I will have a non-K class, right? If so, you will no longer be a K and thus be able to be upgraded from E+ to biz.
Multiple trips on UA metal this month, would love a more comfortable ride!
Congrats on winning, I hope I’m as lucky! I have a few UA trips that this will work on before Jan 31, thanks much!