Picture this. You are staying at a nice hotel. You are ready to check out and you do a check around the room to make sure you have all of your items. Since you used the safe to store your keys and wallet during your stay, you put your hand in and feel around the safe. Under that silly piece of carpet in the safe (why do they put carpet in safes anyway?), you feel a small piece of plastic.
You pull it out and (although you haven’t scientifically tested it) you’re quite positive this tiny clear plastic envelope has a small amount of cocaine in it.
Quickly, you rule out any notion that this was an amenity from the hotel to thank you for your loyalty. And, although you may joke that someone had a nose party in the room, you know this is serious – this substance is an illegal hard-drug, and you don’t really want to be caught holding the bag. What should you do?
Do you:
- Snort it?
- Sneeze?
- Save it for later?
- Try to ascertain the prior guest so you can (a) deliver his stash to him/her, (b) make a new friend and/or (c) get him/her arrested?
- Flush it down the toilet?
- Say nothing and skedaddle out of the hotel?
- Deliver it to hotel management?
- Report it to the Police?
- Call all your friends and say guess what I found?
Here’s what I did and I don’t know if it was wrong or right. I flushed it down the toilet and I reported it to the hotel manager.
What would you do?
I love it! Number 9: You called all your flying friends –via your blog. π
This happened to a friend of mine, but it was found right almost immediately after they checked in. Their daughter found it under the alarm clock. They called security and had them take it away. They didn’t want to touch it.
that’s a dangerous scenario!
Yup, flush and report. For all you know it could have been there forever, or belong to a staff member, whatever, but you sure don’t want to put it back with your fingerprints on it!
Great question. Lightened my day!
thanks so much for contributing, Nancy!
Wow! What a story!
Gives new meaning to “Ultimate Reward”….
ha ha ha
Many travel bloggers take the “gifts” that they’ve been given by travel providers and offer them to their readers as a giveaway. Maybe try that next time? π
Why tell the front desk/police if you flush it down the toilet? You’ve just destroyed evidence, yes? I would not touch it further, have management get it and have them call police. Are you innocent or not? The police will investigate and should clear you if you are.
thank you for your contribution.
Hopefully I remembered to bring my razor.
if not, the front desk can probably help you out with one.
Who needs a razor, you can use your door key to line it up π
They sure didn’t leave much, not sure why they locked it in the safe. Maybe they got paranoid.
I certainly wouldn’t snort it not knowing the person who left it. Could be Coke, heroin, meth, or possibly anthrax. Could be sugar and some prankster thought it would be funny.
I probably would’ve just flushed it like you did.