I reported here, my own experience with the latest United Airlines glitch. Here are a few updates and observations….
1. Poof! Many have reported that the United Airlines reservations they made with the, for lack of a better word, glitch, have simply disappeared from their accounts.
2. Twitter Hashtag! an interesting hashtag trend began yesterday on Twitter: #HonorTheTickets
3. Spoof Twitter Account! There is now a Twitter user named @UnitedGlitch, who’s profile says ” I will get your hopes up only to smash them to itty-bitty pieces. I am the Glitch!”
4. Psychological Warfare? As reported in this article on The Street, United Airlines now denies that there was a glitch or any malfunction. Instead the airline now casts blame at those who reserved award tickets by calling them scammers. Does it seem that United is trying out a new PR tactic by repeatedly painting their customers as bad people?
5. Petition Jeff! Someone has begun a petition on Change.Org to ask United’s CEO, Jeff Smisek to “Honor the tickets.”
All in all, not much has happened….
Want to contact me?
Email: WillRunForMiles@gmail.com
Twitter: @katruns26point2
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WillRunForMilesKathy
What about your ticket though? Is it still in play?