I’ve been at blogger conferences the past two weekends and I am positive that I cannot effectively write and publish posts when traveling with merely an iPhone and iPad. It’s time to step up and get the equipment I need to do this right. These are the items I need, and maybe you can help me with ideas and links. Please let’s not get into the PC/Mac fight, though I’m open to all suggestions. If you have links for special deals, that’s even better. Of course I’d like to shop through portals and get maximum points for my purchases. Thank you so much for your help!
Here’s what I need.
1. iPhone. I have the 4S but with 16gb, I’m constantly running out of room. I am going to order the 64gb phone – and do it while there’s a $200 offer to hand in an old phone. Although the iPhone6+ sounds interesting, I will get the iPhone6 because I often take my phone when I’m running and the 6+ is just too big for that.
2. Laptop or Netbook – my two requirements are cheap and light. The lighter the better. I want to be able to travel with this so I can blog on the road. Can this be done with a Netbook, or is a Laptop required? I don’t need a fancy name or state of the art model. Any suggestions on brands and models that are not expensive?
3. Camera – I’ve been mainly relying on the camera in my iPhone, but I’m not happy with the photos recently. I need something better. I would love to get a fancy, expensive camera, but I’m talking point and shoot here. I don’t want a lot of bells and whistles and I’d prefer to spend under $200. I want to use this when I travel and sometimes to carry with me during marathons, so size matters (!). I would prefer a model that has wi-fi. I am partial to Canon (I have an old point and shoot that I haven’t used in a few years), but open to all suggestions. (Gary Leff has written on this before – perhaps he has suggestions?).
4. Desktop – I presently have a Dell and it’s Windows xp so it’s no longer supported. It’s become very slow and wonky. I have a hard time saying goodbye, but it’s time for me to move on. I’ve had my home PC for 8 years. I’ve mainly been debating between Dell and Mac….
5. iPad. I already own an iPad 2 (or is it an iPad3). I don’t use it much because it’s a little clunkly. I just ordered a mini on sale for $199 (instead of $299) but I am 90% I am going to return it. I probably will get most of what I need the iPad Mini for out of the new iPhone6, so I won’t really need it. Do you agree that I should return this?
thanks again!
For the laptop i would advise the Macbook Air 13 im just loving it, its portable fits in my handlugage is fast and has great battery life. Sometimes you can find deals for them buying at 899 euros or perhaps buy a refurbished one.
Its a little bit more than 200 but a great camera is great investment, but The Verge got a guide for the Best Camera around 250
For a PC i just love Dell those things just keep running but when you are already invested so heavily in the Apple eco system (i saw iphone, tablet , perhaps an Macbook air) it will be a pleasure for you when Yosemite comes out which offers more integration between those devices. Unless your like me and just use Google services on a mac than i would just buy a Dell as main desktop.
Greetings Tim hope you had some good advice of this reply.
Get a MacBook Air or PRO (it depends how much local storage you need). For camera, get the new iPhone6 and you are good to go. Best camera you can get and it comes with a phone ๐
Thank you so much. I have already ordered the iphone6 (and I’m psyched!). One of the reasons I wanted to get a new cheap light camera is to use during marathons. I waste a lot of time taking the iphone out of the armholder and then putting it back. I do have an old canon point and shoot that I just decided to bring out of hiding. I forgot how good it is.
so now I have to decide between a cheapie laptop or a macbook. My only concern is carrying something expensive when I travel….
Do not buy a cheap laptop. You will regret it. Also, if you are already on the Apple environment it is amazing how you can get your iPhone6 connected to a MacBook and iCloud so all you do in one device shows up in the other. Get Apple Care if you are concerned about breaking the computer and in case of it being stolen you can get that taken care under your homeowners insurance. I switched from Windows to Mac back in 2006 and could not be happier. “Once you go Mac, you never go back” ๐
I presently have a dell desktop.
with you recommending the MacBook, are you saying i should use that for all purposes, or I should also get a desktop for home?