There’s a new large-scale nutritional study out and the findings are making a lot of news. The report, published in the Lancet, is entitled Associations of fats and carbohydrate intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality in 18 countries from five continents.
Why is it making so much news? Because in many respects, the findings are the opposite of what we’ve been previously told. In fact, it turns the food pyramid chart upside down!
In the simplest of terms, the report found, among other things, that:
- High fat intake is not associated with cardiovascular disease and those with higher fat intake have lower mortality rate.
- Diets with approximately 35 % of calories from fats were associated with lower mortality rate than diets with approximately 60 % of calories from carbs
Some conclusions, in the simplest of terms:
Fat is good for you. Eat more fat
High carb intake is not good for you. Eat less carbs.
Veggies are good for you, but more isn’t necessarily better.
Raw Veggies are better than cooked ones.
Don’t forget the beans.
This is the Official Report.
Here are some articles:
Science Daily Moderate consumption of fats, carbohydrates best for health, international study shows More Evidence That Everything the Government Teaches Us About Eating Is Wrong The Low-Fat vs. Low-Carb Diet Debate Has a New Answer Large diet study suggests it’s carbs, not fats, that are bad for your health Huge Diet Study Shows Carbs, Not Fats Are the Problem
and many more . . .
What, if anything, does this mean for athletes, who have traditionally been told to maintain high carb diets for premium athletic performance?
very easy to believe the report is true or not, dig deeper ” who has vested interest in the report” in another word, who sponsored the report, then the truth with be much clearer.