Getting a credit card issuer to honor a promise can sometimes be like pulling teeth
Retention Offer: American Express Platinum Card
Before canceling a credit card, I usually call customer service to see what other options I may have.
Pretty Fabulous Retention Offer Outcome – Citibank Prestige
Recently, I wrote about my rather disappointing retention experience and offer from Citibank with respect to the Prestige MasterCard (see, Citibank Prestige: My Lukewarm Retention Offer and My Decision). As I explained, I made some retention calls to Citibank and was offered two options, neither of which made me jump up and down. Option 1: $200 … Read More
Citibank Prestige: My Lukewarm Retention Offer and My Decision
The Prestige MasterCard from Citibank is one of my favorite premium travel credit cards. It has a lot of bonuses – $250 air travel credit per year, 3X Thank You points for flights, 2X Thank you points for dining, Global Entry, access to airport lounges, and so on. It also offers great trip delay protection … Read More
Easy 7,500 Club Carlson Points
Credit Cards – don’t be afraid to communicate your dissatisfaction with a credit card product.
Retention Offer: 7,500 UR Points to Renew Hyatt Visa!
I noticed that my Hyatt Visa Card was up for renewal this month. The annual renewal fee on the card is $75 – which entitles the card holder to one free night at a category 1-4 hotel. I love Hyatt hotels, so even though I have often heard it said that you can do just … Read More