Westin Hotels and Resorts, known for promoting fitness, sleep and overall wellness for it’s guests is taking this commitment one step further. The hotel’s latest endeavor ties it all together: combining Westin’s wellness commitment with sustainability and helping children in need.
With the assistance of Clean the World, Westin has initiated an unprecedented sustainability program, Project Rise: Thread Forward, to collect, process, and reweave discarded Heavenly Bed linens, transforming them into thousands of pairs of pajamas to be donated to children in need.
Pajamas!!! Why Pajamas, you ask?
This too:
Putting on pajamas as a part of a bedtime routine can significantly improve a child’s quality of sleep. Establishing a routine helps children fall asleep quickly and sleep more soundly.
Here’s a video which explains the project:
Westin will also sell the pajamas (which happen to be extremely adorable) on their Westin Store Website under the name Every Thread Counts for $25 per pair and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Delivering Good, a non-profit organization.
Living in New York City where over 20,000 children sleep in public shelters every night, clearly every little step helps. It is wonderful to see Westin directing it’s wellness efforts to the community, and especially to those fragile young people in need. I hope that other companies will follow suit. Lastly, I hope that Westin creates pajamas and nightgowns for adults – I would love one!
Thanks for sharing this news. I am a huge proponent of “reuse, renew, recycle” as well as upcycling -creating useful, salable products from never used and gently used fabric. Westin’s efforts both conserve water and keep textiles out of landfills.
Your readers may not know that, according to Looptworks, “the average apparel factory discards about 60,000 pounds of perfectly usable, pre-consumer textiles every single week.” Renewal Workshop rounds out the picture: “14 million tons of apparel and textiles … go to landfill every year.”
And more on point here, Water Footprint Calculator reports that it takes 2,839 gallons of water to make a cotton bed sheet and 659 gallons for a cotton t-shirt.
Using Westin bed sheets to make PJs is a win/win/win/win: It saves water, keeps textiles out of landfills, provides PJs for needy kids, and gets Westin some nice PR.
Thanks for telling us about it. May I suggest a reprise of this post in December? Anyone who gives kids PJs as holiday gifts could “stack” this one to also help the environment 😉 !
thank you for all of this valuable information! I totally agree with you that this is a wonderful project by Westin!