Yesterday, I saw Virgin Australia’s video of it’s new Virgin Active in-flight spin classes (creatively made in the style of a safety video). It looked and sounded fabulous! What could be better and more invigorating than a spin class on a long flight? I thought it was so real and such a wonderful concept. It never dawned on me that it might have been an April Fool’s spoof.
But seriously, tell me if this concept isn’t fabulous? Even if they can’t have a full cycling studio on a Dreamliner, couldn’t they have some weights and work out equipment? A stretch class? Resistance band exercises? A little yoga or perhaps even a collective seventh-inning stretch?
Let’s start the discussion.
Enjoy the Video!
Have a great day!! (It’s snowing in NYC!!)
So realistically I think some sort of exercise on a plane could be a huge money maker, but airlines should probably stick to providing activities that don’t induce sweat or at least very much because that would be a quite smelly plane after a long haul flight.
Yea, my gears have been turning since I read the article, I was thinking if airlines had treadmills with their speed governed around 3-4 mph with a projection screen in front with a panoramic view out the front of the airplane they could easily charge $2/minute for anyone that wanted to get up and take a stroll. I think the $120/hr would make up for the revenue lost from removing a couple economy seats, in addition to a flight with this amenity probably enticing passengers to pay a slight premium.
I’m compiling a proposal to send to Sir Richard lol
great suggestions. I’m happy to brainstorm with you to come up with some positive suggestions for airlines!!